The Winter Silhouette Show that Baikoen Bonsai Club present annually for 53 years celebrates the leafless beauty of deciduous trees. In this format of a show there is no hiding of crossed or faulty branching. Its appreciating bonsai at the simplest form: the trunk line and branching.
Nagata Award: Mel Ikeda
This year we had the fortune of having Shirley Quan's cousin Garth professionally photograph each tree this year. Most of the photos are attributed to his work, thank you Garth! With out any other interruption the stars of the show.
Trident Maple Forest - Mel Ikeda
Bougainvillea - Hank Faucet
Korean Hornbeam - Lindsay Shiba
Up close Korean Hornbeam - Lindsay Shiba
Japanese Hornbeam - Jim Barrett
Chinese Elm - Carol Upston
Trident Maple - Kathy Benson
Seiju Elm - Mary Morrissey
Shohin Display - Elaine Jeche
Pomegranate - Al Nelson
Chinese Elm - Manny Martinez
Shohin Display - David Miles
Chinese Elm - Mary Morrissey
Chinese Hackberry - Marge Blasingame
Flowering Quince - Tom Lau
Shohin Display - Tak Shimazu
Japanese Beauty Berry - Tak Shimazu
Princess Persimmon - Tak Shimazu
Japanese Maple Forest - Dick Ryerson
Grape - Michael Jonas
Up close Grape - Michael Jonas
Chinese Elm - Khan Komai
Cedar Elm - Ray Blasingame
Zelkova Forest - Ted Matson
Catlin Elm - Bob Pressler
Cork Bark Elm - Michael Roberts
Cork Bark Elm Forest - Takuo Nakamura
Up close photo of Cork Bark Elm Forest - Takuo Nakamura
Up close of Cork Bark Elm Forest - Takuo Nakamura
Trident Maple - Ken Teh
Shohin Display - Peter Macasieb
Ume - Peter Macasieb
Princess Persimmon - Peter Macasieb
Accent Piece - Peter Macasieb
Trident Maple - Jim Pierce
Cork Bark Elm - Shirley Quan