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  • Cary Sullivan Valentine

San Pu Kai Show at the Carlsbad Flower Fields

San Pu Kai had their annual bonsai show at the Carlsbad Flower Fields during Mother's Day weekend. This was their 6th show at the flower fields and we can not say its a bad location at all. The show was hit with a bit of El Nino this year with light rain coming down on Saturday but sunny skies for Sunday. Even with the rain we had over 10k people show up. (The last weekend of the flower fields helped out) With the rain's this year we had to setup without the backdrops and it was difficult for guest to view the trees with the colorful display of flowers in the background. We had 7 members show their trees this year and it was still a wonderful hit as usual. Next years Mother's Day you should come down and visit us at the Carlsbad Flower Fields San Pu Kai Show!

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