The one area that I didn't visit for an extended period of time was the judged section. Trees were displayed as individual tokonomas in this section. The names were all flipped over for most of the displaying at GSBF so I could not ID people tree's so here they are in random order. I'm going to try to match up the winners with their trees. If I need a correction please email or facebook me and I'll make the changes.

Best In Conifer: June Nguy - Juniper
ABS Native Species: June Nguy (presented by Pauline Muth)

Best In Show: Hank Fawcett - Juniper

Best Under 10 Inch: Cary Valentine - Shimpaku

Best Deciduous: Bob Hilvers - Ginkgo

Best Broad-Leaf Evergreen: Kathy Benson - Olive

People's Choice: Scott Chadd - Elm

1. Best In Show #5 Hank Fawcett - Juniper 2. Best Deciduous #11 Bob Hilvers - Ginkgo 3. Best Broad-Leaf Evergreen #9 Kathy Benson - Olive 4. Best Under 10 Inch #7 Cary Valentine - Shimpaku 5. Best In Conifer #2 June Nguy - Juniper 6. People's Choice #12 Scott Chadd - Elm 7. ABS Native Species #2 June Nguy (presented by Pauline Muth)