As support for GSBF Central Collection a small team of Baikoen members traveled up to Fresno for the Koen-Nai No Bonsai which is their Bonsai-a-thon fundraiser for that particular collection. We all were excited to have the opportunity to travel North for the day.
We arrived to Woodward Park in Fresno and followed the signs to the Shinzen Gardens where the GSBF Central Collection is currently located.
The GSBF Central Collection as the Clark Bonsai Collection from Hanford California from an earlier lifetime.
Here we see the entrance to the Shinzen Gardens and the huge sign that points the way in.
Familiar faces, here we have Barry from So Cal as one of their vendors.
Rick Garcia from Castroville promoting Satsuki Azaleas and some awesome handmade tools from Japan.
Glenn Vanwinkle up and running. This man has some awesome trees for sale at the show.
The main club in Fresno was the host of the show.
Ted Matson giving a workshop on junipers at the GSBF show. I wished we could have arrived earlier but 5am was already too early for me.
The material the class was using for the workshop. It should look familiar because it came from Mr. Ed Clark of Round Valley Bonsai Nursery.
We picked this guy out of Ted's workshop. Mr. Bob Hilvers the man in charge of the Clark Bonsai Collection.
Another familar face Steve Desilvia giving a workshop on shohin contorted ficus.
Lotus Bonsai Nursery was here too!
David Nguy was the guest demostrator on Saturday. He just finished this cool juniper during the show.
In the entrance of the Shinzen Gardens is just picturesque. Seems like you stepped into Feudal Japan in the Edo period.
They even have a stone bridge which was rather steep.
But gave an beautiful view of the kois in the isolated pond.
This plaque stands to remind people the history of the collection and where it came from.
As we enter the collections, we are greeted by this old friend. One of Harry Hirao's ribbon California Juniper.
Pomegranate - Artist Richard Ramirez
Needle Juniper - Artist Ray Thieme
Needle Juniper - Artist Sam Kawaguchi
Japanese Black Pine - Artist Bob Hilvers
Prostrata Juniper - Artist Kathy Boomsma
California Juniper - Artist Sherwin Amimoto
Chinese Elm - Artist John Roehl
Prostrata Juniper - Artist Unknown
Gingko - Artist Roy Oto
California Live Oak - Artist Katsumi Kinoshita
Panoramic view the tea house and central display of the Clark Collection.
We know those people!
Chinese Elm - Artist Ray Thieme
Really neat stone that was donated by the late Harry Hirao.
Coastal Redwood - Artist Richard Brustlin
Bald Cypress - Artist Unknown
The outting was great. Too bad Fresno is little over 4 hours away from Los Angeles or I would visit this place more often. If you are ever in the area and need a break from the same ole places. The Clark Bonsai Collection inside the Shinzen Gardens will hit the spot!