First meeting of the year is a great time to see everybody again. As a group we just completed our "52nd Winter Silhouette Show" with great success. To continue with that success we meet with all of our new members to cover some of the basics of bonsai and how the club functions.
Mary is our leader in that area informing new members about the basics of bonsai. Glad to see some newer members join the ranks of this club.
Some of the material and information be passed out that night. Handout with basic styles and display forms.
How can we not show off our tool collection. I think this tool set is nicer that the one I own!
While the new members got their orientation to the club and bonsai. The other members got a workshop day. He is Lindsay and Joe G. working on a heavy bending of Farn's tree.
Johan picture above is working on a nice future shohin.
Rest of the crew having a grand time at the workshop.
Ken our fearless president yelling in the background. Yes, its a long Thursday night. But, Greg is having a grand ole time! Enrique is admiring Gus's Yaupon Holly.
Here is Marge our Nagata-Komai Recipent of 2015 showing off her pottery skills. Marge donated her famous extruder accent pot to the club's benefit drawing.
Finally like to recognize Lindsay Shiba one of our master artist in our club his "22nd" birthday! Congrats! Well, until next month!